Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Founding Docs of the U.S. Governmen Assignment

The Founding Docs of the U.S. Governmen - Assignment Example merican Enlightenment through its postulates which emphasize social justice with regards to financial independence, citizenship rights, paid employment and social welfare (Hofstader, 1989). It laid the foundation for emancipation of slaves and blacks to bring them into the mainstream of American society facilitating equal rights and equal opportunities in all areas for everyone, including blacks and ethnic minority. The sovereignty of state and powers of the government was embedded in the constitution of America. Representative republican governance indicated democratic framework of the constitution. The republic structure of governance was considered as the American experiment mainly because it helped test the moral implications of the principles of the constitution and its flexibility in incorporating the changes. The Bill of Rights was important legal document fulfills principles of American enlightenment while satisfying views of both federalists and non federalists. It paved way for reforms in constitution through amendments. It empowered Americans to make decisions about their political and social equity. The federal structure of governance with its dual nature, it was able to focus on development of people and region while wider policies of national interest like defense etc. remained the responsibility of the federal Union of America. Thus, it promotes responsible use of power in implementing the democratic rights of individuals while judiciously executing its rights to power. (words:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Security Planning and Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Security Planning and Assessment - Assignment Example A very real, clear and present danger lurks just beyond the consciousness of people who work together eight to ten hours a day, five to seven days a week. It is the potential for violence to occur in workplace. Increasingly, the Human Resources function is both the target of these threats of workplace violence and the organization's first line of defense for the prevention of workplace violence. Homicide is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United States. Nearly 1,000 workers are murdered and 1.5 million are assaulted in the workplace each year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), in additional information about workplace violence, there were 709 workplace homicides in 1998. These accounted for 12 percent of the total 6,026 fatal work injuries in the United States. Of these 709 workplace homicide victims in 1998, 80 percent were shot and nine percent were stabbed. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), 2 million assaults and threats of violence against Americans at work occur annually. The most common type of workplace crime was assault with an average of 1.5 million a year. There were 396,000 aggravated assaults, 51,000 rapes and sexual assaults, 84,000 robberies, and 1,000 homicides reported. These figures likely fall short of the actual number of violent acts occurring in workplaces as not all acts of workplace violence are reported. The news media tend to sensationalize acts of workplace violence that involve coworkers. In sensationalizing incidents of workplace violence, they remove the emphasis from the most important targets for workplace safety programs. In fact, the most common motive for job-related homicide is robbery, accounting for 85 percent of workplace violence deaths. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) provides information that illustrates anyone can become the victim of a workplace assault, but th e risks are greater for workplace violence in certain industries and occupations. The taxicab industry has the highest risk, nearly 60 times the national average for potential workplace violence. A good first step for prevention in all workplaces consists of a general assessment designed to evaluate the presence of any specific risks of violence, both from within and outside the organization. Such an assessment will help the organization to fully understand the particular safety and security needs of the workplace - information that will help shape its prevention efforts. Often, forms of behavior that signaled the violence to come have preceded a violent act. If those signs had been recognized and appropriately addressed, the violence might not have happened. A prevention program will include a ''No Threats, No Violence'' policy that is clearly communicated to all employees. The policy will state the employer's commitment to provide a safe workplace, free from violence or the threat of violence. It will also set forth a code of employee conduct that clearly defines unacceptable behavior and prohibits all violence and threats on-site and during work-related off-site activities . A workplace violence program further includes an interdisciplinary team created and trained to manage any violent incidents or reports of troubling behavior made under the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Massachusetts and the Puritans

Massachusetts and the Puritans Nhat Nguyen Now the state of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was established by Puritans (see  Puritanism) fleeing religious persecution in England. Composed of numerous settlements established at various times, the colony had its beginning on June 19, 1630, when John Winthrop stood aboard the ship Arbella and delivered a sermon to a group of sick and weary passengers about to begin a new life in the howling wilderness of New England. Winthrop reminded his listeners that their removal from England did not break their social and political ties, indeed those ties should become tighter and more closely follow the will of God. The colony was to be an ordered community, dedicated to realizing the will of God and to creating a model society for old England to emulate. The rulers of old England however, did not wish to, follow the Puritan lead. Both James I and Charles I were suspicious of the Puritans, especially their rejection of bishops, which they saw as tantamount to rejecting royal authority. James, I had been surfeited with this rejection of episcopal authority while the king of Scotland, having seen the Scottish Presbyterians remove his mother from the throne and place him upon it while still a youth. When he succeeded to the throne of England, James knew that he wanted to retain the Church of Englands bishops and promised to make his Puritan subjects conform or harry them out of the kingdom or worse, as he put it. This anti-Puritanism was continued and expanded by his successor, Charles I. Charles and his archbishop of Canterbury engaged in a process of persecution that led to the great migration of thousands of English Puritans to British North America. This migration, led by the Arbella and accompanying ships, resulted in numerous Puritan colonies in New England, the most significant of which was Massachusetts Bay. The colony was originally organized as a stock company with voting rights limited to stockholders who chose the colonys leaders, but this changed soon after their arrival in America. Winthrop, who held the title of governor, gathered the colonys inhabitants on October 29, 1630, and by a show of hands gave all the freemen of the colony the right to elect assistants or legislators. This action, which soon encompassed nearly all adult males in the colony, gave Massachusetts Bay a much wider franchise than England and most of Europe, despite its limitation to church membership. The Puritans desired to build an ordered community, under the watchful providence of God. This society was not, however, the theocracy that many have claimed it to be. In fact, ministers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony had less formal power than anywhere in Europe and did not constitute a recognized class with special privileges. This absence of inherited privileges was a significant factor in the life of the colony. Although the Puritans firmly believed that there were greater and lesser people, and titles such as Goodwife, Mistress, and Master constantly affirmed these divisions, the range was much less than in England. Sumptuary laws governed the nature of individual dress-limiting the colors, amount of gold, and jewelry a person could wear. These laws both affirmed social distinctions and limited ostentatious displays of wealth and power. When combined with the Puritan doctrine of human sin and of human equality before God, they resulted in much less overt social differences in M assachusetts Bay than the home country. The desire to maintain harmony, stability, and social order was great. The magistrates enforced the laws against blasphemy and punished those who failed to attend church services. The nature of colonial settlement also served to strengthen social stability and cohesion. The land was allocated to each colonist for farming, but people lived in towns, traveling out to their farms each morning and returning in the evening. Towns centered on the meetinghouse, the church building that functioned as the center of the communitys social, political, and religious life. The stereotypical independent settler separated from the community was not acceptable in Massachusetts Bay. Such a settler, separated from the bonds of family, church, community, and government, was bound to lapse into antisocial and irreligious behavior. The godly life could be lived only with others. Conflicts over the nature of that life, however, were such that the harmony desired by the colonys political elite was never realized. These conflicts emerged early in the colonys life. The first was the so-called Antinomian Controversy. Occasioned by the religious instruction thatAnne Hutchinson provided in her home and involving conflicts between the growing merchant class and the colonys political and religious elite, the Antinomian Controversy was typically Puritan in that it was fought over theology and the role of social harmony in theology. Similarly, the expulsion of Roger Williams from the colony was a response to theological differences that authorities viewed as destabilizing. Williamss belief that the government had no right to enforce the first part of the decalogue-the first four of the Ten Commandments dealing with worship-was seen as an assault upon the social stability of the colony. Indeed, many viewed any failure of the state to enforce these laws as an invitation to divine destruction. To outlaw blasphemy was not only an act of religious faith but also helped ensure social survival. Such conflicts, like those with other socially disruptive groups such as Baptists, Quakers (seeFriends, a Religious society of [Quakers]), and witches (see Salem witchcraft trials) recurred as the Puritans attempted to build a viable society in a hostile land. They struggled mightily to establish the social institutions that would provide for the colonys stability. Churches and towns were the first to appear, then came a college (Harvard, 1638), printing presses, and schools. Soon Massachusetts Bay was an expanding and successful colony, kept alive by fishing, agriculture, timber harvesting, and even the slave trade. Prosperity did not, however, ease the difficulties of creating an ordered society pleasing to God. Tensions emerged within the New England way among not only those outside but those within it as well. The first concern was the perception that piety was declining within the colony. From the heroic period of settlement, when the colony seemed to have been dominated by great men and high religious concern, many saw a decline by the mid-17th century. Religious interest appeared to have waned and the number of visible saints to have declined. This concern became so prevalent that the sermons preached about it have received their ow n name. Jeremiads, as they are known, were directed against this perceived declension. Whether the decline was as great as the ministers claimed is debatable, but it is true that the colony experienced the shift from a time when people immigrated from religious conviction to a period when people simply were born into the society. A telling anecdote, probably apocryphal, illustrates this change well. A Puritan minister once berated a man he caught unloading fish on Sunday, reminding him of the religious nature of the colony and its founders. The fisherman quickly responded, My grandfather came here from God, I came here for cod. The colony faced other challenges. Chief among these were the local Indians and the French who, from their outposts in Canada, occasionally harried the colonys more distant settlements along with their Native American allies. These challenges ended with the eventual British conquest of Frances North American colonies in 1759. The removal of this external threat only exacerbated the internal one, the ongoing conflicts between the colonists in America and the mother country. This conflict was not to be taken lightly, and in Massachusetts, it had a religious dimension. The late 17th century had seen an apparent victory of the Puritan party in its monarchical form in England. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 had removed the Catholic king, James II, and with it the threat to the colonys independent existence under James, who had revoked the colonys charter and established an Anglican foothold at Kings Chapel in Boston. But this was not the only religious threat that England presented to the colony. If some contemporary writers are to be believed, the most significant conflicts and the true start of theAmerican Revolution began with the rumor that England would send a bishop to the colonies. The imposition of a bishop was seen by many colonists as an inherent threat to their liberties. InMassachusetts Bay, where stories of episcopal persecution of Puritans were still remembered, this was the final assault on everything they had tried to create. Already forced to allow toleration to other Protestants, they now faced the final loss of their religious independence. The Puritan tradition of self-government, the rule of law, and human activity helped to set the stage for the American Revolution. The revolution in the hearts and minds, as John Adams-a Puritan scion-wrote, had already occurred. It was no coincidence that a great deal of the revolutionary leadership came from Massachusetts. The colony and i ts Puritanism had helped to pave the way. Work Cited Timothy Breen Puritans and Adventurers: Change and Persistence in Early America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980) Cedric B. Cowing, The Saving Remnant: Religion and the Settling of New England (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995) David Hall, Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment (New York: Knopf, 1989) Perry Miller, Errand into the Wilderness (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1956) Edmund Morgan, The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop (New York: Longman, 1999) Samuel Eliot Morison, Builders of the Bay Colony (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Chinese Cultural Anthropology :: essays research papers

Cultures have many things in common. Most things that cultures have in common are necessary to survive, such as fire and language. But there are always even more than the things necessary. Some things include music, luck superstitions, and athletic sports. In the Chinese culture, music is usually traditional. There are instruments made of many materials, usually stone and wood, in addition to silk, bamboo, clay, and many other materials. The purpose of music in Chinese culture is not to amuse but cleanse one?s thoughts. In American culture, music has many genres, such as rock, pop, and rap. Common instruments include guitar, bass guitar, and drums. There are many others in different categories of bands, such as in a marching band there are different instruments. These may include trumpet, cornet, clarinet, flute, and the instruments listed above as well. In African culture, the most common music is spiritual or gospel. Some other musical genres in African music is hip-hop, rap, jazz, or funk. Piano is a common instrument in gospel. In jazz, saxophone is widespread. All three of these cultures have music. Luck superstitions are common in all cultures. In Chinese culture, superstitions deal with a variety of things. It is considered unlucky to greet anyone in their bedroom so that is why everyone, even the sick, should get dressed and sit in the living room. It is also considered unlucky to use knives or scissors on New Year's Day as this may cut off fortune. These are common superstitions, also called taboos. In American culture, superstitions are just as random and far-fetched as Chinese taboos. Some believe if you catch a snail on Halloween night and lock it into a flat dish, in the morning you will see the first letter of your sweetheart written in the snail's slime. Some believe that to put your shoes on the bed will cause a death in the family. It is common to hear that when a black cat crosses your path, you will have nine years bad luck. It is also to hear that to break a mirror will give you seven years bad luck. A four-leafed clover is considered good luck. African superstit ions are also very common in the culture. It is believed that to look through the trees at the moon will bring bad luck. Some believe that a child?s right hand should not be washed for a month after birth.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Approach Work in 2013

Thinking about how to approach work in 2013, I recenter back to trying to make a sustainable difference in the long term trajectory of Cokes business in the US. It is not easy and it does require hard work. I have to accept our environment â€Å"where it is† as well as being OK with my place in it. I need to remember that I am in a place where I can influence things in a positive direction. Three things are important to remember: most of our people do want to do the right thing, most are looking to make a difference, and most have a blind spot. So, I am like most people. It means I want clarity on what the right thing is, I want to contribute, and I need feedback. We also need to recognize that most folks feel like they have been trying to go down this path. So, work going forward needs to show respect to the work already on the field. Not to accpet it 100% carte blanche, but to start by understanding what it is trying to do and its success so far. Then, unconstrained, where would the work go this year More to come †¦. Sometimes you catch a break sometimes you don’t. My sense is that people focus on the times when breaks don’t go your way: your team doesn’t win, the light turns red, stuff like that. I probably do that. At the same time, you don’t appreciate when the breaks do go your way: the scale surprises you, you find money on the ground. The right answer may be to appreciate the good and focus less on the other â€Å"One cannot get through life without pain.. What we can do is choose how to use the pain life presents to us. † – Harvey Oxenhorn We never plan for pain, though intellectually we know it will come. Think back to Ray Gotko The topic of relentless continuous improvement comes to mind. I find that there is always opprtunity to improve and the alternative is ugly. The opportunity to improve is usually prompted by a mistake or failure. Emotionally it is frustrating or disappointing. Failure to act allows the feeling to linger. Lack of action or procrastination was my early career norm. I finally realized I was being very hard on myself, feeling helpless,a nd treading water while the solution was in my own hands. Focus on improvement and taking constructive action made me feel batter and actually made a difference in my own capability and ability to impact a situation. I became more organized, more focused, a better role model, and a better leader

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Online Teacing vs. Classroom Teaching Essay

Although it is very traditional for teachers to teach in a classroom, online teaching is rapidly becoming a very important factor in most colleges. Even though teaching in a classroom has its advantages, online teaching also has its advantages as well. Me personally, I would prefer to be in a classroom with an instructor teaching a class. This is because many individuals feel a stronger connection with their teachers and classmates when they are able to interact face to face. It benefits many individuals to see good teaching practices being demonstrated by their own teachers. Teachers can also evaluate the different ways individuals are able to communicate. Also, students are trained hands-on according to the standards and regulations of their state, and can be confident of meeting their state’s requirements. Online classes are gaining more and more legitimacy and are fast becoming a legitimate alternative to traditional classes. It’s a great asset because all students are required to participate in the class, and participation can be measured objectively. Therefore, nobody can skulk in the back of the room and not talk or dominate the conversation. Classes can also be taken from anywhere that has computer access, so people don’t have to put off their education because of distractions or lack of school access. Online courses emphasize reading, writing and discussion elements that are proven to be effective, and that students can use in their own classrooms. Students can do their classes and coursework at any time that is convenient, especially when traditional classes don’t meet. Plus in today’s society computer literacy is more and more a requirement on many jobs and in some classroom settings and online classes requires that students become computer literate. Online classes tend to train future workers for general requirements that are accepted in every state. A student might be trained for certification in almost any state by taking online classes. The question of online teaching programs versus traditional teaching programs isn’t usually a question of which offers the better education, but which education serves the student’s needs better. For those looking to be in that classroom environment, traditional might be better, but for those who have concerns over distance, convenience, or class participation, online classes may provide a solution that works for everyone.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction in Males and Therapy Available Sexual Dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation in men and Inability to have orgasms in women have been the cause of a great deal of mental anguish, not to mention marital friction. Most Americans either have a sexual dysfunction or are affected by one in their partner. However, thanks to the likes of Masters and Johnson who have written several publications to help us understand the causes of sexual dysfunction and the rapid treatment therapy for such disorders, several options are now available to help with this problem. A sexual dysfunction is any one of various disturbances or impairments of sexual functioning (Carey, M. P., Wincze, J.P., 2001). Although this definition may seem fairly simple, in practice it can be very difficult to determine exactly when something is a sexual dysfunction. No one knows the exact number of people with sexual dysfunctions, what is known though, is the number of people who actually go out and seek some kind of treatment for the problem, and these are fewer than those of people who have a dysfunction but suffer quietly and never seek therapy because of ignorance or embarrassment. In this paper I am going to discuss the various kinds of sexual dysfunctions found in men: erectile dysfunction (impotence), premature ejaculation and inhibited ejaculation their causes and also the various treatment methods available for such disorders. In 1992, the National Institutes of Health defined erectile dysfunction as the inability to attain or sustain an erection adequate for satisfactory sexual intercourse. "Erectile Dysfunction" is more precise than impotence, a term that some associate with being sterile or lacking strength, vigor, or power. The condition is called primary sexual dysfunction if a man has never in his life achieved or maintained an erection for coitus. If a man has previously had at least one successful coitus and then... Free Essays on Sexual Dysfunction Free Essays on Sexual Dysfunction Sexual Dysfunction in Males and Therapy Available Sexual Dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation in men and Inability to have orgasms in women have been the cause of a great deal of mental anguish, not to mention marital friction. Most Americans either have a sexual dysfunction or are affected by one in their partner. However, thanks to the likes of Masters and Johnson who have written several publications to help us understand the causes of sexual dysfunction and the rapid treatment therapy for such disorders, several options are now available to help with this problem. A sexual dysfunction is any one of various disturbances or impairments of sexual functioning (Carey, M. P., Wincze, J.P., 2001). Although this definition may seem fairly simple, in practice it can be very difficult to determine exactly when something is a sexual dysfunction. No one knows the exact number of people with sexual dysfunctions, what is known though, is the number of people who actually go out and seek some kind of treatment for the problem, and these are fewer than those of people who have a dysfunction but suffer quietly and never seek therapy because of ignorance or embarrassment. In this paper I am going to discuss the various kinds of sexual dysfunctions found in men: erectile dysfunction (impotence), premature ejaculation and inhibited ejaculation their causes and also the various treatment methods available for such disorders. In 1992, the National Institutes of Health defined erectile dysfunction as the inability to attain or sustain an erection adequate for satisfactory sexual intercourse. "Erectile Dysfunction" is more precise than impotence, a term that some associate with being sterile or lacking strength, vigor, or power. The condition is called primary sexual dysfunction if a man has never in his life achieved or maintained an erection for coitus. If a man has previously had at least one successful coitus and then...

Monday, October 21, 2019

UNC Asheville (UNCA) Admissions Facts

UNC Asheville (UNCA) Admissions Facts With a 76  percent acceptance rate, the University of North Carolina Asheville has largely open admissions. Successful applicants typically have unweighted GPAs in the B range or higher, and SAT/ACT scores that are at least a little above average. The majority of admitted students had averages in the A range. The admissions process is holistic, so non-empirical measures such as essays, extracurricular involvement, and a letter of recommendation can all play a role in the decision of the admissions committee. Will you get in? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) UNC Asheville Acceptance Rate: 76  percentGPA, SAT and ACT graph for UNC AshevilleTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 530 / 640SAT Math: 510 / 610SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanBig South Conference SAT score comparisonTop NC colleges SAT comparisonSAT scores for public NC campusesACT Composite: 23  / 28ACT English: 22  / 30ACT Math: 21 / 26What these ACT numbers meanBig South Conference ACT score comparisonTop NC colleges ACT comparisonACT scores for public NC campuses UNC Asheville Description The University of North Carolina at Asheville is the designated  liberal arts college  of the UNC system. The schools focus is almost entirely on undergraduate education, so students can expect more interaction with the faculty than at many large state universities. Located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, UNCA provides an unusual mix of a small liberal arts college atmosphere with the low price tag of a state university. In athletics, the UNC Asheville Bulldogs compete in the NCAA Division I  Big South Conference. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 3,821  (3,798 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 42  percent male / 58 percent female85 percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $6,977  (in-state); $23,372 (out-of-state)Books: $1,200Room and Board: $8,746Other Expenses: $2,400Total Cost: $19,323 (in-state); $35,718 (out-of-state) UNC Asheville Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 76 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 65 percentLoans: 53 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $7,362Loans: $5,681 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors:  Art, Biology,  Business Administration, Communication Studies, English, Environmental Studies, History, Political Science, Public Health Education, Psychology, Multimedia and Web DesignWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Transfer, Retention and Graduation Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 78  percentTransfer-out Rate: 19 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 39  percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 62  percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, Track and FieldWomens Sports:  Swimming, Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, Track and Field If You Like UNC Asheville, You May Also Like These Schools: Appalachian State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNorth Carolina State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphElon University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWake Forest University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDuke University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHigh Point University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphClemson University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphFlorida State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph UNC Asheville Mission Statement: complete mission statement can be found at the UNC Asheville website UNC Asheville is distinctive in the UNC system as its designated liberal arts university. Our practice of the liberal arts emphasizes the centrality of learning and discovery through exemplary teaching, innovative scholarship, creative expression, co-curricular activities, undergraduate research, engaged service, and practical experience. UNC Asheville is primarily undergraduate, with all programs of study leading to the bachelor’s degree, with the exceptions of teacher licensure programs and the master’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (MLAS). UNC Asheville offers a liberal arts education characterized by high quality faculty-student interaction. We offer this challenging educational experience to all promising students who are committed to liberal learning and personal growth... Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Sunday, October 20, 2019

An Overview of Operation Allied Force in Kosovo

An Overview of Operation Allied Force in Kosovo In 1998, the long-simmering conflict between the Slobodan MiloÃ… ¡evics Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Liberation Army erupted into full-scale fighting. Battling to end Serbian oppression, the KLA also sought independence for Kosovo. On January 15, 1999, Yugoslav forces massacred 45 Kosovar Albanians in the village of Racak. News of the incident sparked global outrage and led NATO to issue an ultimatum to MiloÃ… ¡evics government calling for an end to the fighting and Yugoslavian compliance with the demands of the international community. Operation Allied Force To settle the issue, a peace conference opened at Rambouillet, France with NATO Secretary General Javier Solana serving as a mediator. After weeks of talks, the Rambouillet Accords were signed by the Albanians, United States, and Great Britain. These called for NATO administration of Kosovo as an autonomous province, a force of 30,000 peacekeepers, and free right of passage through Yugoslav territory. These terms were refused by MiloÃ… ¡evic, and the talks quickly broke down. With the failure at Rambouillet, NATO prepared to launch air strikes to force the Yugoslavian government back to the table. Dubbed Operation Allied Force, NATO stated that their military operations were undertaken to achieve: A stop to all military action and repression in KosovoThe withdrawal of all Serbian forces from KosovoAgreement to the presence of an international peacekeeping force in KosovoThe unconditional and safe return of all refugees and unhindered access to them by humanitarian organizationsA credible assurance from MiloÃ… ¡evics government that it was willing to work on the basis of the Rambouillet Accords in creating an acceptable political framework for the future of Kosovo Once it was demonstrated that Yugoslavia was adhering to these terms, NATO stated that their air strikes would cease. Flying from bases in Italy and carriers in the Adriatic Sea, NATO aircraft and cruise missiles began attacking targets on the evening on March 24, 1999. The first strikes were conducted against targets in Belgrade and were flown by aircraft from the Spanish Air Force. Oversight for the operation was delegated to the Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe, Admiral James O. Ellis, USN. Over the next ten weeks, NATO aircraft flew over 38,000 sorties against Yugoslav forces. While Allied Force began with surgical attacks against high-level and strategic military targets, it was soon expanded to include Yugoslavian forces on the ground in Kosovo. As air strikes continued into April, it became clear that both sides had misjudged their oppositions will to resist. With MiloÃ… ¡evic refusing to comply with NATO demands, planning began for a ground campaign to expel Yugoslav forces from Kosovo. Targeting was also expanded to include dual-use facilities such as bridges, power plants, and telecommunications infrastructure. Early May saw several errors by NATO aircraft including the accidental bombing of a Kosovar Albanian refugee convoy and a strike again the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Sources have subsequently indicated that the latter may have been intentional with the goal of eliminating radio equipment being used by the Yugoslav army. As NATO aircraft continued their attacks, MiloÃ… ¡evics forces worsened the refugee crisis in the region by forcing Kosovar Albanians from the province. Ultimately, over 1 million people were displaced from their homes, increasing NATOs resolve and support for its involvement. As the bombs fell, Finnish and Russian negotiators continuously worked to end the conflict. In early June, with NATO preparing for a ground campaign, they were able to convince MiloÃ… ¡evic to give in to the alliances demands. On June 10, 1999, he agreed to NATOs terms, including the presence of a United Nations peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Two days later, Kosovo Force (KFOR), led by Lieutenant General Mike Jackson (British Army), which had been staging for an invasion, crossed the border to return to peace and stability to Kosovo. Aftermath Operation Allied Force cost NATO two soldiers killed (outside of combat) and two aircraft. Yugoslavian forces lost between 130-170 killed in Kosovo, as well as five aircraft and 52 tanks/artillery/vehicles. Following the conflict, NATO agreed to allow the United Nations to supervise the administration of Kosovo and that no independence referendum would be permitted for three years. As a result of his actions during the conflict, Slobodan MiloÃ… ¡evic was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. He was overthrown the following year. On February 17, 2008, after several years of negotiations at the UN, Kosovo controversially declared independence. Operation Allied Force is also notable as the first conflict in which the German Luftwaffe took part since World War II. Selected Sources NATO: Operation Allied ForceGlobal Security: Operation Allied Force

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 47

Marketing - Essay Example By doing so, it becomes easier for the company to spread the message and brand image in an effective manner. This type of promotion is called as Above The Line Promotion. Direct marketing is one of the most widely used strategy for promoting brands and product. Apart from Above The Line strategy, Vodafone also operate direct marketing channels in which it delivers its product through direct sales agent, super call centre and tele-calling. Vodafone owns number of stores all over the world through which it sells its product directly to its customers. Stores often propose promotions, special offers and posters pertaining to point of sales in order to attract those customers which are inside the store so that they buy more. All the marketing channels mentioned above for Vodafone are integrated channels of marketing. The reason is for integrated marketing channels, there is a holistic approach to keep harmony among all the channels. In case of Vodafone, the message, brand image and marketing strategies are consistent and therefore they complement each other. Since it opts integrated marketing channel strategy, Vodafone isn’t promoting differently through any of its marketing

Friday, October 18, 2019

How do different background influence workplace communication and Assignment

How do different background influence workplace communication and understanding - Assignment Example These rely on clearly spelling out rules, instructions, expectations and directions. A lot of importance is connected with following instructions to the letter. High-context communications rely on interpersonal relationships with fellow workmates in order to bring out societal expectations and rules. In other words, high-context communications rely on other people to direct them. With high-context communication, the employees expect the supervisors to enforce important rules personally. In workplaces where there are employees from both high and low context communication backgrounds, interpersonal communications may prove to be difficult, and the following up of instructions as they are intended may be extremely poor. Employees from cultures accustomed to high-context communications benefit more from fellow employees or supervisors direct instruction while employees accustomed to low-context communications can simply absorb the instructions from written materials such as training manuals just as

FACE reports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FACE reports - Research Paper Example Since the tractor was running, the beaters, three in number, and obtaining energy from the tractor engine, were also rotating (MN FACE). During the process, the farmer got entwined in the machinery, getting pulled into the rotating beaters (MN FACE). As a result, the tractor stopped (MN FACE). He was found forty five minutes later by his son, who immediately called the 911 service, and the farmer was thence taken to a nearby hospital (MN FACE). However, he was pronounced dead on arrival by the doctor (MN FACE). Counter measures: In the wake of the incidence, the FACE team working in Minnesota drafted certain guidelines that were to be followed by farmers and workers while operating heavy machinery (MN FACE). These counter measures included three points (MN FACE): the tractor should be completely switched off and the key removed before getting off the tractor and working on the machinery (MN FACE); the power-take-off mechanism of the machine should be disengaged from the tractor before getting off the tractor and working on the machine (MN FACE); and the outfit of the workers should not be loose or otherwise risky, so that the danger of the workers getting entangled in the machine is reduced (MN

HISTORY AND THEORY OF NEW MEDIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HISTORY AND THEORY OF NEW MEDIA - Essay Example orking at this famous Paris erotic club which was established in 1951 go repeatedly through an ordeal of agony when they get to wear so little and work so hard. The very graceful and artistic movement of their bodies is well explored and choreographed in this documentary in order to show the public how artistic ambitions relate with practicality and how much tension and agony is involved in such association. The beautiful women at Crazy Horse work so hard to present the best artistic talent possible to the public visiting the club but in the process of exhibiting the typical â€Å"French blend of vulgarity and sophistication† (Scott), they suffer a lot themselves. Focusing on physicality and movement, it is shown in the documentary that the naked women dancing at this French club work exceptionally hard with the result that their performances appear to be more aesthetic than erotic. The practice sessions these women go through before finally appearing before the public are als o â€Å"painstakingly detailed affairs† (Turan). Scott, A.O. â€Å"The Agony Behind an Erotic Club’s Ecstasy.† The New York Times. 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 25 Sep. 2012.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A research paper on stem cell research legislation

A on stem cell legislation - Research Paper Example Stem cell research is a discipline that is involved in the study of the uses, utilizations and applications of the stem cell, a type of cell that can develop into any form of specialized cell that can help save a particular body function by replenishing the supply of the said cell. Due to the fact that the said concept has the potential capacity to save many lives, a continuous discipline is dedicated for the advocacy, research and development. At the same time, due to the involvement of human health and welfare in the study, strict and structured guidelines were established and continuously being updated to be able to ensure that the components of stem cell research adheres to bioethics and legislations (Atala, Lanza, and Thomson, 2010, p.1123). The paper is aimed to present an overview of the meaning of Stem Cell Research with the focus on the Stem Cell Research Legislation and other related legal issues. Included in the topics discussed in the paper are the history of Stem Cell Re search Legislation in the United States and the comparative analysis of the policies in the U.S. with the rest of the world. In addition, the presentation of the current legislative state of affairs in the country is also considered as an important part of the study undertaken. For the future view on the legal policies, provisions, and laws specifically in terms of the applications of stem cells. One of the manners by which the said objectives are achieved is through the presentation and discussion of sample research results related to the legislation of Stem Cell Research. ... In August 2000, although the US NIH established guidelines that limit the research to existing cell lines, it had not been employed due to the influence of the President in the content of the guidelines. Due to the need for an established set of rules and guidelines, the cooperation of the different organizations and authorities on the discipline has been undertaken. Contributions were made by the Chief Medical Officer’s Expert Group in Great Britain, private ethics boards in Geron Corporation, Advanced Cell Technology in US, committees of the National Research Council, and the International Society for Stem Cell Research (Atala, Lanza, and Thomson, 2010, p.1123). Even through the continuing controversies regarding the sources of the heS cells, the stem cell research continued. This is the second stage of the stem cell research discipline which can be described to be beyond the embryo. This can be attributed to the fact that there had been two (2) developments in the field. Th e first is the human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells which are dermal fibroblasts which had been altered through genetic engineering to behave as heS cells. Another is related to the stance of Obama administration regarding the heS cell research. Prior to his administration, the main focus is the decision to continue or halt the research. On the other hand, he focused on the â€Å"how† of the research process. In this case, it can be considered that he already accepted the continuation of the stem cell research but it should be based on the legislations established by the authorities, both in the administration and in the medical field (Hyun, 2010, p.71). Views and Provisions The Stem Cell Research Legislation in the United States

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case study for the value chain analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

For the value chain analysis - Case Study Example It has helped reducing transport costs, which has made it the process cost less than before. CMG operations are superior to Taco Bell and Qdoba. It is more organized and authentic. All CMG restaurants belong to the mother company. They are found at the end of retail lines, in line with other retail shops and free standing places. These locations attract a high number of people who can visit CMG. Taco Bell and Qdoba restaurants use the same methods to locate their restaurants. CMG has focused on opening its restaurants without the use of franchise. It is a move that has given CMG an edge over Taco Bell, which is the most influential competitor. However, the emphasis to open its restaurants has limited the ability of CMG to reach many people. Taco Bell that has embraced franchising has over 5,000 restaurants spread all over the United States. Consumers have a chance to serve food on their own like in a dinner party. The method makes CMG superior to its competitors. Taco Bell has used t he same concept in Cantina Bell. The use of in-house advertising strategies helped CMG to cut its marketing costs, which means an increase in the revenue earned. The company emerged superior to its competitors who were using traditional promotion methods like TV commercials. The methods used by CMG appealed to many consumers who viewed as being unique and cool. The company gained popularity using relatively new strategies. CMG is superior in offering services because employees have perfected the art of customer service. In addition, they provide quality service at all times. It is better compared to Taco Bell, which seem to have run out of ideas on quality service. CMG’s push for sustainable sourcing is the foundation of its Food with Integrity strategy. Chipotle Mexican Grill is focused on getting the best ingredients without compromising the quality of the environment, animals and the respecting the farmers. CMG recognizes the importance of

A research paper on stem cell research legislation

A on stem cell legislation - Research Paper Example Stem cell research is a discipline that is involved in the study of the uses, utilizations and applications of the stem cell, a type of cell that can develop into any form of specialized cell that can help save a particular body function by replenishing the supply of the said cell. Due to the fact that the said concept has the potential capacity to save many lives, a continuous discipline is dedicated for the advocacy, research and development. At the same time, due to the involvement of human health and welfare in the study, strict and structured guidelines were established and continuously being updated to be able to ensure that the components of stem cell research adheres to bioethics and legislations (Atala, Lanza, and Thomson, 2010, p.1123). The paper is aimed to present an overview of the meaning of Stem Cell Research with the focus on the Stem Cell Research Legislation and other related legal issues. Included in the topics discussed in the paper are the history of Stem Cell Re search Legislation in the United States and the comparative analysis of the policies in the U.S. with the rest of the world. In addition, the presentation of the current legislative state of affairs in the country is also considered as an important part of the study undertaken. For the future view on the legal policies, provisions, and laws specifically in terms of the applications of stem cells. One of the manners by which the said objectives are achieved is through the presentation and discussion of sample research results related to the legislation of Stem Cell Research. ... In August 2000, although the US NIH established guidelines that limit the research to existing cell lines, it had not been employed due to the influence of the President in the content of the guidelines. Due to the need for an established set of rules and guidelines, the cooperation of the different organizations and authorities on the discipline has been undertaken. Contributions were made by the Chief Medical Officer’s Expert Group in Great Britain, private ethics boards in Geron Corporation, Advanced Cell Technology in US, committees of the National Research Council, and the International Society for Stem Cell Research (Atala, Lanza, and Thomson, 2010, p.1123). Even through the continuing controversies regarding the sources of the heS cells, the stem cell research continued. This is the second stage of the stem cell research discipline which can be described to be beyond the embryo. This can be attributed to the fact that there had been two (2) developments in the field. Th e first is the human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells which are dermal fibroblasts which had been altered through genetic engineering to behave as heS cells. Another is related to the stance of Obama administration regarding the heS cell research. Prior to his administration, the main focus is the decision to continue or halt the research. On the other hand, he focused on the â€Å"how† of the research process. In this case, it can be considered that he already accepted the continuation of the stem cell research but it should be based on the legislations established by the authorities, both in the administration and in the medical field (Hyun, 2010, p.71). Views and Provisions The Stem Cell Research Legislation in the United States

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Crime of their child Essay Example for Free

Crime of their child Essay The argument here is whether parents play a significant role in the formation of self control towards committing a crime of their child. Well, psychologically, this is still debatable. This is a matter of â€Å"nature or nurture†. The problem is whether the child’s personality is influenced by the environment’s upbringing, the genetic composition of the child, or both. We can not merely say that the formation of self-control towards committing a crime is environmentally motivated—which in most cases the parent’s discipline to their children. There are a lot of parentless people out there and are doing well in the society. In fact, some of them are more responsible and self-disciplined. The person’s personality is not merely dependent on how he is molded when he is a child but also on how he interacted with the environment he is situated. People have free will and are liberated on how he will decide on his life—what to choose, left or right, black or white, good or bad. Let us now talk about genetic composition alone. Do you think that every person has different levels of self control? For me, it is yes. But we can not directly say that personality is solely influenced by the person’s genetic composition but also the shaping by its environment—the parents. There are some people that are used to be bad but have managed and chose to be good. It’s what we call personal autonomy—we have the control to our lives. To conclude, I personally believe that a person’s character is motivated and influenced both genetically and environmentally. The two factors contribute to the formation of the person’s personality, specifically the formation of self control which we are discussing right now.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis of Indias Service Sector

Analysis of Indias Service Sector The services sector is not only the dominant sector in Indias GDP, but has also appealed significant foreign security tides, significantly backing to exports as well as provide large-scale employment. Indias services sector covers a wide variety of activities such as trade, hotel and restaurants, transport, storage and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, business services, community, social and personal services, and services associated with construction. Labor productivity in services is the chief and it has amplified tirelessly. Indias service sector is recognized by its magnitude and vigor accounting for more than 55% to gross domestic product (GDP) which is progressively increasing by 10 % p.a. and contributing to around 25% to aggregate employment and having major provisions in FDI invasions and 33% of total exports. The statistics pertaining to a number of aspects of service sector was collected from secondary source such as published articles, journals and report s. The report aims to analyze the performance, growth and also challenges faced by service sector in India. The results revealed that amongst different countries India levels 12th position, sharing service sector to Indian economy. (IBEF, 2017) The services sectors evolution was expressively faster than the 6.6% for the joint agriculture and industry sectors annual output growth. Further, India with a services sector share of 52% in national GDP in 2009 and 55.2 per cent in 2009-10 associates well even with the developed countries in the top 12 countries with the highest overall GDP. It was observed that there was an upsurge in share of service sector to countries GDP at existing prices from 30.5 to 55 % during 1950-2010. The report also conveys that the performance of service sector such as communication, transportation and storage was high with an growth of 15 % in 2009-10 when compared to other sectors and hotels and restaurants had an adverse growth rate in the economy. Further, the major challenges in service sector was to retain the competitiveness and preserve the traditional service sectors such as shipping and tourism. Furthermore, there is lot of scope for Indias domestic market such as sectors like education, acc ounting and health care service. Hence, the reading suggest that if these challenging issues can be taken care still the service sector can be boosted with good discretionary growth for offering many employment opportunities and also maintaining balance of trade. (AOISS, 2016) The contribution of service sectors in countrys GDP (factor cost) has increased from 30% to 55% during the period of 1950 to 2010. Apart from this, the GDP contribution can be increased if these sectors are further enriched and take account of construction sector, then it will be around 63% share in 2009-2010. There is a continues debate on counting either construction can be induced into secondary or tertiary sector even as RBI and many international institutions like WTO which consider construction sector under service sectors. The classification of the services sector consists of four major categories given by Central Statistical Organization (CSO). Among 4 sectors, in first group, over the years hotels and restaurants were positive and gradually they declined showing negative growth with and however, for trade it was a positive growth. On the other hand Social, Community and personnel services, it is evident that countrys overall GDPÂÂ   growth rate has increased from 5.7 % to 8.6 % during the period of 1990 and 2004 to 2010. This increased percentage growth was due to the acceleration of service sectors which was increased from 7.5 % to 10.3 % from 2004 to 2009-10. Contrariwise, during the same period it was around 6.6 % for inclusion of both primary and secondary sectors. Despite of global recession since 2008, it is observed that service sector has been showing growth rate of 10% p.a. The findings of World Trade Organization (WTO) reveals that India has maximum share in net exporter of services over a period of 2006-07 to 2008-09 with an increase percentage of GDP from $29.5 to $54 Billion when compared to other sectors in the economy. However, during the global recession period exports of services were abruptly declined and imports of services where deliberately increasing in nature which resulted in 2.8 % of GDP during the year 2009-10. The WTO feels that global crisis has downgraded the global business and where as in case of software service(IT sector) it was found to be positive and uninterruptedly growing. India is a major protagonist of liberalizing services equally in the WTO and in its bilateral trade treaties. Though, there are some concerns. Economic growth has slowed down. Growth in service employment has not been proportionate with the share of the sector in GDP. A large part of the employment is in the non-corporate or unorganized sector, with partial job security. Although India is depicted as a major exporter of services, its rank among WTO member countries in services exports is lower than that of Chinas and its export competitiveness focuses in few sectors and a few markets. The report identifies a number of barriers faced by the services sectors and suggests policy measures, which, if implemented, will lead to inclusive growth, increased productivity, generate quality employment, increase trade and investment, and enhance Indias global competitiveness in services. Country Rank OVERALL GDP(US$ BILLIONS) Share of Services(% of GDP) Overall Service At current Prices At Constant Prices GDP GDP 2014 2014 2000 20013 2014 United States 1 1 14119 12899 74.1 76.8 76.5 Japan 2 2 5069 4451 71 71.3 71 China 3 3 4984 3544 39 39.1 392 Germany 4 4 3330 2847 61.6 64.4 66.1 France 5 5 2649 2192 68.6 70 71.1 UK 6 6 2170 2285 65.4 63.3 70.5 Italy 7 7 2113 1725 62.5 64.6 66.6 Brazil 8 8 1572 1021 55.5 55.8 57.3 Spain 9 9 1464 1182 59.3 61.9 63.6 Canada 10 10 1336 1168 59.5 64 65.5 India 11 11 1287 1141 45.9 52.4 52 Russia 12 12 1231 865 50.2 52.4 54 World * * 58069 49356 63.7 64 64.2 (AOISS, 2016) The Indian services sector which includes financial, banking, insurance, non-financial/business, outsourcing, research and development, courier and technical test analysis, Professional services, personal services, health services, ancillary services, etc.ÂÂ   are a few example/types of services in the Indian service sector prevailing at the movement. Given below is the contribution of each service individually for GDP. The above chart demonstrations 55.66% Indias service sector share in GDP. The services sector in India has remained the most vibrant sector in terms of contribution to national and state incomes, trade flows, FDI inflows, and employment. Foreign direct investment (FDI) There is increase in 22% in 2014 from 34 billion US$ over 2013. There has been a significant growth in FDI in 2014-15 and 2015-16(April October) in general and in Services Sector in particular. In 2014-15, FDI inflows to the Services Sector grew by a whopping 70.4% to 16.4 billion US$. It show rising trend in first seven months of 2015-16 with FDI equity inflows of service sector growing by 74.7% to 14.8 billion US$. Liberalization taking place ensure that India remains an attractive investment destination. . Indias Services Trade Services exports has crucial element in Indias trade and globalization in recent years. India constitutes 7.5% of GDP and shows 8th largest service exporter in the world. Exports has raised from 16.8 billion US$ in 2001 to 155.6 billion US$ in 2014. Economy reflects openness at 50% which higher in 2014-15 compared to 38% in 2004-05. Indias Services Import was 81.1 billion US$ which rose by 3.3% in 2014-15. Initiatives were also taken by the government of India to promote services exports including the Service Export from India Scheme (SEIS) and organizing Global Exhibition on Services (GES). Tourism Economic growth depends major on tourism which creates employment for diverse kinds. Tourism growth was 10.2% in terms of foreign Tourist Arrival (FTA) and 9.7% in terms of foreign exchange Earnings (FEE) in 2014 by economic survey of India. After this it fell by 4.5% and 2.8% in terms of FTAs and FEEs in 2015. Lower in FTAs and FEEs in 2015 is due to low growth in FTAs and high spending was done by tourists originating from Europeans countries like France, Germany and UK. Domestic tourism showed important contribution to sector and it grew by 12.9%. The top five states in contributing in 2014 are Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Two schemes were launched in 2014-15 for thematic development of tourism which were Swadesh Darshan and National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive (PRASAD).ÂÂ   Healthcare portal and advantage health care India was launched for promotion of medical tourism. Shipping Port Services Around 95% and 68% India trade by volume and value is transported by sea.ÂÂ   UNCTAD shows that India with 11.7 million twenty-foot equivalent units of container and world share of 1.7%. It ranks ninth in 2014 amongst developing countries in containership operations. Increase in the share of coastal/inland waterways transport mode from 7% to 10% by 2019-20 which was vision by coastal shipping tourism and regional development. 1052.21 million tons in 2014-15 cargo traffic of India ports rise by 8.2%. The target for the years 2020 is 3130 millions tones of port capacity and investment is around INR296000 crores by Maritime Agenda. IT Services The IT shows flexibility as per the economic survey which estimated share of 9.5% of GDP and over 45% total services exports is 2015-16. E-commerce should reach 17 billion US$ which shows 21.4% of GDP. India ranks third largest technology starts ups in the world. 40 percent of startups have grown in one year by offering 80 to 85 thousand jobs in 2015. The emerging sectors will fillip to startup India program. Research and Development Services According to CSOs (Central Statistical Organization) says that there is no separate head for research and development as it is a part of professional scientific and technical activity which includes R D. Research and development rise at 3.8% and 25.5 respectively in 2013-14 and 2014-15. Survey concludes Indias RD globalization and services market is going to double by 2020 to 38 billion US$. Consultancy Services The Survey shows Consultancy Services is one of the fastest growing service segments in India. Initiatives are taken by government like the Marketing Development Assistance and Market Access Initiative Scheme among others for capacity development of domestic consultants. Real Estate and Housing It constituted 8.0% of the Indias GVA (Gross Value Added) in 2014-15 and rise by 9.1%. Since 2011-12 sector has grown by 8.1%. However, the construction sector has slowdown in last few years due to weak domestic and global growth. The Government has launched plans to build 6 crore houses by the year 2022 under the Housing for All scheme. Internal Trade Survey tells, Rs. 12, 31,073 crore trade and repair services sector share 10.7% in GVA, rose by 10.8% in 2014-15. Indias retail market is expected to rise to 1.3 trillion US$ by 2020 and India will be the worlds fastest growing major developing market. 16 billion US$ is the expectation to grow by 2015 because of growing internet population and increased online shoppers. Media and Entertainment Services According to the Economic Survey, the industry has recorded unexpected growth over the last two decades. It has become one the fastest growing industries in India.ÂÂ   CAGR of 13.9% is projected to reach 1964 billion rupees by 2019. Digital advertising and gaming, which rise by 44.5% and 22.4% respectively in 2014, are predicated to drive the growth of this sector in the coming years. Postal Services India Posts is the largest Postal network in world. From 30.86 crore it increased to 33.97 crore post office savings bankÂÂ   and total deposits in POSB accounts and cash certificate to Rs. 6.53 lakhs crore in the last one year. More than 80 lakh Sukanya Samridhi Yojna accounts have been opened. The IT Modernization Project of the Department of Posts, with a total outlay of Rs. 4909 crore, involves computerization and networking of all the post offices. Though service sector contributes highly in Indias economy there are still problems which are faced by this sector, which stops it from maximizing its growth potential. The GVA for 2016-17 in service sector was Rs. 7,378,705 which is 56.66% of the total economy, more than half of contribution comes from the service sector, but it only provides around 25% of employment. But still, both existing as well as start-up firms in service sector are facing several problems and challenges while growing as well as surviving in the Indian economy. Starting with Infrastructure, being the most common sector, the infrastructure facilities are inadequate both in rural as well as urban areas. We want accelerated growth for India, but we are not willing to see the fact that in a lot of places we dont have enough infrastructure which causes problems like unemployment, lack of quality of services as compared to the rest of the world, hence decelerating the growth. Talking about another aspect, which is tourism, we want people to think highly about India, but we dont have tourism facilities and infrastructure to attract foreign tourists, we dont have enough information and guidance on how to use public transport services. Foreign tourists often get cheated and looted in India, hence causing another problematic aspect. India has great potential for tourism if all these issues are removed and public sector tourism and transportation services are refined and enhanced including, Airports, Railway Stations, Bus stations etc. On the other hand, service trades are also facing several issues such as lack of setup of export councils in several industries, several barriers like visa issues, sector specific restrictions. Also the service sector cannot grow alone, it needs a holistic support from other primary and secondary sectors in the country, such as banking support, insurance etc. Another interesting point is that India which is a key preference area for outsourcing BPOs are facing strong competition from other developing countries, they have to improve their quality and assistance to stay strong in the industry of BPO. Though, rising automation of transactions and reduction in problems and restrictions in licenses and permits; and the activities of a free, vocal and critical media have improved transparency for business, but feedback from businesses active in the Indian market still show that there are several issues that need to be adhered to. Government can also encourage solving these problems by RD, forming teams to assess problems and tackle them effectively one problem at a time. The services sector is heterogeneous and contains lots of different agencies, different services are getting integrated due to technological developments. The government should therefore consider this in the planning of budget. In the case of sectors like transport and energy the different departments of the government should work together to design policy in 5 year and 10 year plans. Now moving towards the employment issues, the service sector has not been able to generate employment in terms of numbers as well as quality. There is shortage of labor in sectors like IT, Automobiles etc. Studies have shown that although employees prefer to work in the organized sector, skill requirements are different and it is not easy for employees to shift from unorganized to organized sector. Gross enrolment ratio is low and there are various institutes where people are not able to get jobs Degrees granted by some private universities are not recognized even within India, further affecting the employability of people. In many scenarios, companies in the services sector have to invest a lot in training and development of their employees. The governments education policy and funding have focused on higher education and have neglected primary education, still there are problems on both ends. Talking about startups, when a service startup finds their market, demand for its services will increase, and the company will need to grow and involve and take care of the needs of its growing customers. Growing at this fast rate is a challenge for small and difficult for startups, wherein high growth rate in other industries is seen as a plus point, startups need the support from government to cater such accelerating needs. This also means to finding and hiring new talent to help tackle the issues. Therefore we can conclude that, the scope of growth is very high in service sector industry in India, but there lots of barriers, visible as well as invisible, so as we move forward removing these barriers, we can become the top economy with the highest growing service sector in the world, but at first we as people should be more vigilant, less corrupted and more contributing towards the society, for enabling change in the country. Growth of service sector Services is a set of economic activities like transportation, trade, tourism, communications, banking and insurance, real estate and so on. There are a few factors responsible for growth of service sector in India like demographic, social, economic and political. Demographic changes: With a rise in the standard of living the life expectancy has risen which in turn is increasing the size of the retired population and creating a new demand for travel and leisure, as well as for healthcare, nursing and life insurance. The need for infrastructural support services has increased due to the development of new towns and regions. Social changes: The population of working women has drastically increased which has led to traditional domestic functions being performed outside the home. With an addition of an earning member in the house the demand for consumer services, including retailing, real estate and personal financial services have continuously been increasing. With the rising income, the standard of life has also improved. Smaller families with double income have started spending more on entertainment, travel and hospitality services than before. Also with increase in communication and travel the children and adults these days are making new demands on learning establishments, so that they can develop the skills needed in order to compete. In todays dynamic environment all this has created market for knowledge and information based services. Economic changes: Due to globalization the demand for communication, travel and information services has increased and this gap has been filled by constantly updating with new information technology. With increasing degree of specialization in ever industry the economy has led to a reliance on specialist service providers. Political and legal changes: A countrys government plays an important role in its growth, a country with minimum leakages will have better growth rate because of less corruption. With a constant growth in international trade, the demand on legal and other professional services have increased, cutting across national boundaries. The Indian government realizes the importance of promoting growth in the area and is creating an environment that will promote sectors such as healthcare, tourism, communications, information technology, and many others. REASONS FOR THE GROWTH OF SERVICES IN INDIA: Changing Role of Women: Traditionally Indian women were seen as people involved with household activities. But with the changing time there has been a change in the traditional way of thinking in the society. Women are now allowed to work. They are employed in many service sectors across the country like defence services, software services, health services, hospital services, police services, postal services, entertainment industries, Business Process Outsourcing and so on. The percentage of working women has been increasing rapidly. This changing of traditional role of women has led to demand for various product and services. Now days earning women prefer to charter services in order to reduce the numerous roles that they are required to perform. The changing role of women activities from household activities to working individuals is forcing service organizations to be more innovative in their approach. Cultural Changes: During the last century there is a lot that has been westernized in the Indian culture. People have started living in nuclear family in the place of traditional joint families which has created a demand for a number of services like education, health care, entertainment, telecommunication, transport, tourism and so on. Also there has been a change in the thought processes relating to investment, general expenditure, leisure time perception and so on which has created a huge demand in various sectors based on choices. I.T. Revolution: From the past decade India has been constantly working hard and has been able to occupy a vital position in the field of Information Technology. For Indians IT became one of the key service businesses. Currently the highest software skilled population in the world is in India and because of which the domestic market as well as the international market has grown substantially. The government is realizing the potential for this area and have already prioritized their expenditure for such purposes in different states. Development of Markets: With changing environment the competition in all the industries have drastically increased. The number of wholesalers and retailers during the last few decades have increased in the country. Urban India has become a cluster of wholesaling and retailing business. A new type of organisations, offering marketing based services has come up. The government is also offering marketing services to the small-scale agricultural farmers, artisans and other traditional businesses. Migration of population: With increasing inflation and overall cost of living people have started migrating from rural to semi-urban and urban areas in search of better jobs which has resulted in the expansion of cities and townships due to which businesses like real estates, rentals, transportation and infrastructure services are rapidly expanding. Export potential: India is considered to be the hub of the affordable services. India currently offers services like banking, insurance, accounting services, construction labour, designing, entertainment, education, health services, software services and tourism to various parts of the world. The advantage of having the highest number of software skilled population helps in doing this at affordable prices.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sophocles Antigone - Creons Fatal Flaw Essay -- Antigone essays

Antigone - Creon's Fatal Flaw A master artisan and innovator of the Greek tragedy, Sophocles' insightful plays have held their value throughout countless time periods and societies. Through the use of common literary techniques, Sophocles was able to express themes and ideas that reflect all of humankind. On particular idea was that Sophocles believed that hubris is destructive and will eventually lead to one's demise. Creon, the proud king of Thebes has such a fatal flaw. His hubris alienates Teiresias, Haimon, and his people. Teiresias attempts to explain to Creon the severity of Creon's actions, but Creon only shuns Teiresias. No matter how potent the signs, Creon "would not yield," (Scene 5, Line 47). Creon's hubris prevents him from recognizing his self- destructive behavior. Instead, he accuses Teiresias of disloyalty and succumbing to bribery. He feels Teiresias has "sold out" (Scene 5, Line 65) and that Creon was "the butt for th...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Actual Benefits of Information Technology Outsourcing Essay -- companie

1) Critically evaluate the competitive advantage that can be gained by companies through IS/IT outsourcing. Provide suitable example to support your answer. Introduction Outsourcing is an arrangement in which one company provides services for another company that could also be or usually have been provided internal. As we know, outsourcing is a development that is becoming further common in information technology or information system and other industries for services that have usually been regarded as basic to managing a business. In some cases, the whole information management of a company is outsourced, including planning and business analysis as well as the installation, management, and servicing of the network and workstations. For the example, University Kolej Poly-Tech Mara provided Campus Management System (CMS) for student and they bought this CMS from outsourcing from Indonesia. By outsourcing the logistical activities the company can achieve great remunerations. Outsourced environment has been exposed to regularly bring gains in productivity to companies, specifically through scale, technology and expertise. Besides, outsourcing can also h elp companies reduce costs associated with labour and real estate. Taking advantage of an outsourcing vendor’s global, centre-based dispersed delivery brings advance economies of scale and process proficiency. Competitive advantage is very important thing especially in term of business marketing because when your business starts growing, the companies should start to think of the potential benefits of going beyond the basics, as larger companies do, and look for ways to use information systems for competitive advantage. (Dr Donald J McCubbrey, Oct 6, 2010). To achieve a competitiv... ...ks Cited WNS Global Service, Gaining competitive advantage through analytics outsourcing, 14 October 2009. Available at,, Retrieved at November 2013. Journal of Accountancy, The Pros and Cons of IT Outsourcing, June 1998. Available at Retrieved at November 2013. Journal of IT Management, Volume IV, Number 2, Outsourcing the IS Function, The impact on competitive advantage, 1993. Available at, Retrieved at November 2013. B. A. Aubert, M. Patry, S. Rivard, â€Å"Assessing IT Outsourcing Risk†, Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 1998, Available at Retrieved at Disember 2013.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Governor General in Canada

Overview My research paper will discuss the proposal of institutional reform concerning the function of Governor General. Canada is a constitutional monarchy and the role of the Governor General is to represent Canada as a whole in replace of the Crown or the Queen. Since Canada has no longer any real ties with the British Sovereignty in terms of government rules many would argue if the role of the Governor General has any significance to being an important political actor in Canada’s Constitution.To begin this paper, I will discuss a brief overview on what the role of a Governor General is, their formal powers and executive powers, dignified and efficient. My research paper will then emphasize on an institutional reform in regards to the function of the Governor General, it will discuss why Canada does not need a representation of the Crown any longer since the Governor General’s actions are mainly symbolic, therefore meaning that the new reform would have no Governor General appointed royally but instead an elected officer.The next argument in the development of the research will discuss the arguments against this institutional reform and why the Governor General’s role is still significant in Canada and why this political actor should still be a part of the Canadian Constitution, since in fact it is part of Canadian history and politics. And then lastly on the development is what my personal opinion is on the matter of having an institution reform or not and then finally finishing off with the conclusion of my paper. Bibliography 1. Desserud, Donald (2006). The Confidence Convention under the Canadian Parliamentary System.Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Study of Parliament Group. This article discusses one of the efficient powers of the governor general, dissolving of parliament. The governor general takes advice from the prime minister, when the prime minister might be in a situation where the House of Commons throws a non-confidence vote, an d through some motivation behind it the prime minister would then ask permission of the Governor General, who has the power to dissolve parliament, especially when there is a minority government and this book will discuss a few examples of it.This source is useful because it can help us understand why the Governor General’s role shares relevance. 2. Hicks, B. (2009). Guiding the Governor General's Prerogatives: Constitutional Convention Versus an Apolitical Decision Rule. Constitutional Forum, 18(2), 55-67. This article talks about the conventional powers the Governor General has and how it has always been around and a part of Canadian politics.Some scholars disagree with these constitutional conventions and how it should be more democratic, such as an elected official who understands more about the politics of Canada and not just representing the country. This article can be favourable to the argument of having an institutional reform. 3. Hicks, B. M. (2010). The Crown's â⠂¬Å"Democratic† Reserve Powers. Journal Of Canadian Studies, 44(2), 5-31. This journal is about Canada’s responsible government and how the powers of the Governor General can be somewhat misused because of Parliament keeping limits on some powers.Since Canada has been free from British Sovereignty, the Governor General holds more importance in guiding the prime minister but then again since the Governor General’s powers are more dignified rather than efficient, he or she is advised by the prime minister and sometimes these decisions go in favour for the prime minister and this may not always be fair. This journal can go in favour of the argument to have an institutional reform, because the powers of the Governor General may only be helping out the prime minister and may not be so democratic. 4. Messamore, B. J. (2005). The line over which he must not pass': Defining the Office of Governor General, 1878. Canadian Historical Review, 86(3), 453-483. This press revie w goes back all the way to the 19th century, when the formation of the Canadian Constitution first began; it talks about the British Sovereignty’s representation that which is the Governor General. This reference can be helpful to this research paper because it gives the history of the Governor General and how this role of a political actor first started which can be relevant in the introduction of the paper and can give an overview of this significant actor. . Smith, David (1995). The Invisible Crown: The First Principle of Canadian Government. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press. This book discusses how the Crown, the Governor General, has contributed a great amount to Canada and its parliamentary government. This book talks about the significance of the Governor General and how its functions have changed Canadian politics for the better in terms of social, geographic and economic conditions. This reference will be useful towards the research paper when he argumen t is opposed to an institutional reform. 6. W. , D. D. (2009). Jean, Michaelle. Current Biography, 70(6), 36-42. This biography is about Michaelle Jean, Canada’s current Governor General. This reference can be useful for the research paper because it can give a certain insight on the life of a Governor General, their accomplishments and what gives them the factor of becoming a Governor General which is a pretty important role in Canada’s Constitution.This biography can favour the argument of not having an institutional reform because it can give a better understanding that not just anyone can become Governor General and that they can represent and shape Canada as a country for the better. 7. Wheeldon, J. (2011). Actors, Targets, and Guardians: Using Routine Activities Theory to Explore the 2008 Decision to Prorogue Parliament In Canada. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 36(1), 59-93.This article discusses the 2008 prorogation request by Stephen Harper to Michaelle Jean wh ich was highly criticized by many who thought she should have not accepted the request. This article holds significance because it can show how the Governor General’s role may not be as significant because their role may not be helpful to the government an may be more in favour to the prime minister but not towards the good of the Canadian parliament and therefore to the good of the Canadian citizens. Function of Governor General: The Idea of an Institutional Reform Priya Patel 6587402

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The American Commonwealth, James Bryce talks about equality in America when he visited the united States in the asses. Bryce provides his own view of the different equalities that all Americans possess. He states that in America, equalities are present as listed: legal equality, material conditions-wealth, education and intelligence, social status, and estimation. Legal equality is that all are equal under the law whereas material condition equality means that everyone has equal wealth.Educational and Intellectual equality means that everyone has equal Intellect and equal education. Social status equality means that no one is socially higher or lower than another. And finally, equality of estimation is the value which men set upon each other. Out of all of these types of equalities the three that Bryce list that all Americans have are wealth, education, position. Brace's listing of wealth, education, and position as American equalities brings up a valid position on whether or not Ame rica had actually possessed these equalities.In all honesty, It's all how It's perceived by different people that determine equality. Did all Americans have equal wealth, education, and position back in the late asses? Well, compared to most countries America was a land full of equality. I don't necessarily believe that these views of equality were as glorious as Bryce had perceived them to be, however seeing that he came from Britain- a land of big inequalities between those of upper, middle and lower class- America was seen as a land with greater equal opportunity.As this was written during the Gilded Age, Americans all lived In salary lifestyles as barnacles powered through the Industrial revolution. People worked mostly for big industries receiving little pay, little to no education and the same position as the country labor force therefore they were all equal. In today's world, without the fact that America is no longer the major industrial power it was one was, these equalitie s of education, position, and wealth still exist and can even be taken further In depth.Now everyone is entitled to equal wealth, education, and position but they determine their own equality. For example, two people share the same type of position as everyday citizens with the same type of education and the same wealth. One person decides to go to college and becomes a politician after he graduates while the other person goes out and parties. They both had the same equalities at one point in their lives but it was when they decided to either expand or hinder themselves that truly determined their equality.A student an attend a high rated school and could care less about education as well as a student who can attend an average public school and become the top of their class. Even Americans chose their own position in life, they can decide to be the owner of a multimillion dollar company or be a manager at McDonald's. All these things are available to all Americans as long as they ar e willing to want and work for these things. Americans will always be granted the same equalities of wealth, education, and position but they get to choose their own wealth, education, and position.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critically Assess Geert Hofstede’s Use of Cultural Dimensions

ABSTRACT: Along with the trend toward globalization, communication across cultural and national boundaries has a significant effect on business. The Dutch management researcher Geert Hofstede’s work of culture dimensions is regarded as an approach to measure inter-cultural differences to business for scholars and practitioners. However, such a significant work does not escape criticism. Even though his theory consummates to six dimensions based on varies datum and is widely applied by many academics, McSweedney and many specialists assert his work as an absolute assumption.INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, the country boundaries are shaped by the spread of global communication networks and the development of transportation. Because of globalization, countries are tied closer than ever before. Since the beginning of 1970s, scholars such as Geert Hofstede started to notice the importance of cultural differences for many aspects of business life, in particular, when business related to com municate between people with different cultures. Hofstede (http://geert-hofstede. com/dimensions. html) claimed that â€Å"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy.Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster. † Such conflicts are determined by the people’s perception which is partly the product of culture. Therefore, in order to avoid the conflict caused by culture, it is important to recognise cultural differences under global business environment. Hofstede’s cultural framework provides a guideline to recognize the differences between cultures and may improve the inter-cultural communication in business area. However, his work is critiqued by scholars and researchers as an unreliable framework.This essay firstly outline Hofstede’s cultural framework briefly and then apply his theory into practical situation to access whether it can improves the inter-cultural communication in the workplace. Afterwards, it will criti que the limitations based on the literatures opposite to Hofstede’s viewpoint. HOFSTEDE’S MODEL: Geert Hofstede’s work is ground-breaking and he himself is considered as the pioneer and pathfinder in inter-cultural study(Bond, 2002 and Sondergaard 1994). He described his significant research result based IBM employees’ attitudes and work-related values around the world.In the past 30 years, he persists to refine his theory from the previous four to six dimensions: Power distance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Masculinity versus Femininity, Uncertainty avoidance and Long-term orientation, and Indulgence versus Restraint (Hofstede et al, 2010). In his book, each country is evaluated by scores on every dimension, thus people can take an insight into the cultural differences by comparing countries’ scores. Power distance (PDI) is defined as that, to what degree people can perceive the unequal power distribution in a society.PDI scores, deriving fr om value of the less powerful people, indicate the level to which members accept power inequality. A low score demonstrates that members of the society prefer equality; whereas a country has a high PDI score means that people accept large power differences. Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV) is the dimension relating to how people ties to others within the community. Individualism pertains to societies whose members tie loosely and concern about themselves and their immediate family. On the contrary, in collectivistic countries people belong to strong and cohesive group.Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS) refers to whether emotional gender roles are distinct or overlap. In masculine societies men are supposed to behave ‘assertive, competitive and tough’, on the contrary, women are supposed to be ‘modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life’ (Hofstede, 2010: 140). Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) related to extent to which members handle anxiety w ith ambiguous and unknown situations. Strong UAI Countries maintain â€Å"rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas†.Countries exhibiting weak UAI encourage practice than principles with a more relaxed attitude. Long-term versus Short-term orientation (LTO) deals with which kind of value is fostered. This dimension is based on Bond’s World Values Survey on â€Å"Confucian dynamism†. Long-term oriented countries foster virtues such as perseverance and thrift for future rewards, whereas short-term orientation focuses on rewards in the present and the past, which means particularly ‘respect for tradition, preservation of ‘face’, and fulfilling social obligations’ (Hofstede, 2010: 239).Indulgence versus Restrain is linked to happiness. An indulgent society permits ‘relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun’ (http://geert -hofstede. com/dimensions. html). On the contrary, restraint countries use strict social norms to control gratification of needs and regulates. Application As the world becomes globalized, to remain competitive and minimize conflicts which are the result of ignoring cultural differences, companies should not adopt an ethnocentric management mode to different cultural staff.To minimize these conflicts, many scholars and practitioners utilize Hofstede’s work of cultural dimensions as a means to narrow the cultural gap in business. One reason why his framework is widely adopted is that his data are collected from varies companies and the fifth dimension is based on ‘Confucian dynamism’. Thus, to access its practical applicability to decrease the negative aspect of cultural differences and to elevate cross-cultural communication level, it is important to apply Hofstede’s work into real cases.Since the late 2009, the famous Japanese auto-maker Toyota struggled into an unprecedented crisis due to pedal quality problems which led Toyota to its historical largest recall in the world. The Economist (Feb. 6, 2010) commented that safety recall is a common issue in vehicle manufacture but Toyota changed the order. In the process of managing crisis, Toyota acted according to Japanese culture without taking the American cultural values into account. It can be said that one reason deteriorates the normal recall cars to a crisis is the ignorance of cultural differences.Some literatures analyse the cultural aspect affecting the crisis and group them into two main points (Feng, 2010, Huang, 2010). Firstly, the Japanese management mode and organizational behaviour is different from American. As a result of the Japanese organizational culture, Toyota responded slowly after the accident. It is reported that on American time 28th August 2009, a Lexus ES 350 caused a fatal crash due to the gas pedal was stuck and the car was out of control (Los Angeles Tim es, Oct. 25, 2009). Yet Toyota did not respond to the accident immediately.US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said that documents show that Toyota knew of the problem in late September but did not give response until late January, moreover, â€Å"they knowingly hid a dangerous defect for months from US officials and did not take action to protect millions of drivers and their families† (Thomas, 2010). The second reason is the different communication behaviours between Japan and the U. S. A. In the American hearing and variety interviews, Akio Toyota, the president of Toyota Motor Corporation, spoke implicative, tactful and modest with a large number of modest words without any directly answers (Huang, 2010).In addition, Akio Toyota’s behaviours are understood as hiding the truth by American people. According to Hofstede’s framework, Western culture, represented by the U. S. A. , and such Japanese Eastern culture have significantly differences. The magnitude of the differences has been directly described in ways. See from the figure 1. 1. Figure 1. 1 Japan and the U. S. A It is obvious that there exist large differences between Japan and the United States. One of the most telling to explain the crisis can be the collectivist versus individualist dimension.The fundamental issue related to IDV is the extent of connection between individuals and the group (Hofstede, 1980). From the data provided by Hofstede, Japan, at a score of 46 on a scale of 1 to 100, is a collectivist society, whose group allegiances are strong, cohesive and invoke higher authority. The individuals adhere to the entity and preserve harmony. Thus the Toyota North American office was been called a â€Å"little safety deaf† by LaHood (CBC news, Feb, 2010). The North American office need invoked by the highest authority to handle the accident and the applicable proposal must pass through the whole company.Nevertheless, this system is not adaptable in handling probl ems in America. According to Hofstede, Toyota needs to handle the problem immediately rather than make a long-term agreement. Meanwhile, the high power distance (Japan 54) can be used to analysis the slow response. Japan is a more centralized decision country, and it is therefore all the command should be endorsed by the president of Toyota Motor Corporation, Akio Toyoda. Because only the CEO can respond to the allegations, the response to the event was hauled in respect to the stakeholders living in a country that has only 40 in the index.As mentioned before, the official recall and apologize came four months later after the car accident has been reported. Yet the stakeholders demanded immediate response to the accident from Toyota regardless from the CEO or other representative. Moreover, during the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, in response to why Toyota responded so slow, Toyoda claimed that do not answered directly but reiterates his plan to set up a g lobal commission to address complains more quickly (CNN Politics, Feb. 24, 2010).This phenomenon can adopt Hofstede’s fifth dimension, long- term versus short-term orientation to demonstrate the inevitability of this divergence. Hofstede himself defines long-term orientation as ‘the fostering of virtues oriented towards future rewards' (Hofstede 2010: 239), which means that high long-orientation scores countries (Japan 80) pay more attention to the things that will benefit the future whereas low score countries tend to focus on nearby benefits or rewards. Jealous writes, â€Å"In America, we ultimately judge people on what they are doing today for tomorrow, not for what they did yesterday. (CNN Politics, Feb. 24, 2010). In the hearing, American part were expected that Toyota undertake their obligations by providing continuous plans to the stakeholders. Akio did not account for this and responded indirectly to the solution to the current accident therefore caused Americ ans the disgusted and suspected feeling. Consequently, if Toyota can notice the cultural differences and adopt Hofstede's theory to handle the problem in their American market in the bud, the common recall would not exacerbate American people and became a crisis which will threaten its reputation. CRITIQUE:Culture is deeply rooted in many aspects of business life when people must interact with the people such as suppliers, buyers, employees or stakeholders. The case of Toyota crisis demonstrates that Hofstede’s framework of cultural dimensions is practical to uncover these conflicts in cross-cultural communication. If people could realize the cultural differences concluded by Hofstede and take proper communication style and management mode, the fate of Toyota might be changed. However, the framework cannot act as a textbook to interpret the whole cultural gap even in the case of Toyota crisis.Many intercultural researchers criticized Hofstede’s theory for not providing valuable guiding intelligence or regard it as absolute assumptions. Hofstede did not mention the impact of linguistic on the communication. Different languages and contents have objectively impact on the understanding of the conversation. Take the US-based 3M Company as an example. The company earns $7 billion per year in their overseas market, it become the â€Å"forefront of language instruction by sponsoring an in-house Language Society that provides linguistic and cultural support† to 3M (Frey-Ridgway, 1997).Freivalds (1995) said that the French firm Bull adopted the 3M model to train its employees in the competition of global marketplace and still in success. Language plays an irreplaceable position in the inter-cultural communication. Different types of body languages cause misunderstanding as well. In japan, apology needs humility, in order to be forgiven, Japanese usually avoid eye contact stands for rudeness, offend and provocation, but it would be decoded as disint erest, dishonesty and cunning in western countries (Huang, 2010, Dahl, 2004).Gudykunst and Nishida (1994:2) said that misunderstanding between Japan and American people often â€Å"stem from not knowing the norms and rules guiding each other’s communication†. In hofstede’s model, the data come from the English-speaking company IBM and it is aim to evaluate work attitude and value, this led his theory ignore linguistic and body language difference. Moreover, in the process of communication among Akio Toyoda and the American interlocutor, the stakeholders, the Congress representatives or the media people, misunderstanding occurred continually.As mentioned above, Toyota responded euphemistic to the problem (Huang, 2010). Akio repeated the apology several times and declined to give pithy answers to undertake the obligation and to interpret the information and plan for the stakeholders in the hearing (Clark ; McCurry, 2010). The answer type can be derived from the pa tterns of Japanese communication. Lincoln (1995) studied Japanese and found that due to the politeness cultural they reluctance to say â€Å"no† directly. Hall (1976) separated communication into High-context and low-context.The United States is a typical low-context communication country while Japan belongs to high-context communication. Low-context communication refers to the patterns of communication use explicit verbal to convey meanings, whereas high-context pattern draw heavily on context. This cultural difference is raised by Hall instead of Hofstede. Michael (1997) claim that literatures are lack of specific details and are concluded in broad behavioral terms. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) classified cultures has seven value orientations which is more than Hofstede’s six dimensions and has somewhat different perspectives.Additionally, Dahl (2004) criticizes the theory is the result of very little data, especially from specific companies with limited num bers of questions. This indicates that culture can be separated into more dimensions and those national scores and ranks are not the exclusive guide to improve inter-cultural communications. From Hofstede’s (1980) research, Japan ranks in the middle level of Individualism versus collectivism dimension. Yet Japan is widely stereotyped as a harmonious society.Woodring (2010 cited in Jandt, 1995: 163) used the original Hofstede’s questionnaire to study Japanese students and found that students scored lower on power distance whereas higher on individualism comparing with Hofstede’s original sample. Woodring explained that the different scores might be the result of age; that is means, students may praise more on individualism and equality than the whole Japanese society. About 1990, youths 25 years old and under were named as shin jin rui (literally â€Å"new human beings†), who were described as â€Å"selfish, self-centered, and disrespectful of elders and tradition† by older Japanese.In the description from Hofstede suggested that the Japan is a group oriented and hierarchical country. However, there are evidences to show that the young generation seeks for egalitarian and individualism. This demonstrates that Hofstede’s research can lead to stereotype and this ought to be avoided. Furthermore, this study shows that cultural value is dynamic. Holden (2002) criticizes the â€Å"relative reliance† on Hofstede’s paradigm in the workplace. He points out that the data is outdated as it was collected before 30 years.Hofstede attempts to set a certain form of culture for people to understand specific cultures and he (Hofstede, 2010: 34) states that â€Å"cutlures, especially national cultures, are extremely stable over time†. This has been criticized as â€Å"functionalist ambition of measuring largely unquantifiable phenomena† (Gray and Maloory, 1998: 57). Hostede himself stated, â€Å"There is no such thing as objectivity in the study of social reality: we will too often to be subjective, but we may at least try to be ‘inter subjective’. As His data are come from the questionnaire made by a group of western people, as a result of this, the question are tend to reflect western culture which means Hofstede’s theory has its cultural bias. Meanwhile, there is a debate about what level of analysis is practical for the term â€Å"culture† to be a viable tool. McSweeney (2000) questions the classification of culture in Hofstede’s theory. Hofstede (2010: 10) stated that people are shaped by â€Å"certain cultural trains† from the same country. Although general cultural dimensions can be established at a cultural level, ndividuals may not necessarily reflect the national culture they belong to. Hofstede (1980, 1991) admits that using data from the level of country to analyze the individuals is not appropriate, and labeled it â€Å"ecological fallacy†. He (1991:253) affirms that national cultural level reflects â€Å"central tendencies (†¦) for the country†, it is, not practical to analyze and predict specific individual behaviors or events. Conclusion: Generally overview the assessment, Geert Hofstede’s use of cultural dimensions provides a measurable paradigm to attract people’s attention to cultural differences and contribute to the inter-cultural study.For those people who are involved in international commerce, culture is important for many aspects of business life, thus, if people go into another country to communicate with local company, changing the management process and practices to meet their values is essential. Concluding from the case analysis of Toyota crisis, Hofstede's cultural model indeed provides an effective reference to support better cross-cultural communication as it uncover the reasons of cultural conflict for people to apply appropriate method to minimize its nega tive influence.However, cultural dimension theory functions limited in small space as it is not perfect. It regards culture as a fixed concept and separates it by national boundaries is improper. The data is collected in several decades years before even it has been updated in recent years based on questionnaire in a specific group in international companies from a perspective of western people. Moreover, it narrows culture into six dimensions may potentially disturb the derived value prediction as certain context influences on the individual respondents.The inter-cultural communication conflicts exist no matter how much understanding goes both ways. In conclusion, Hofstede’s work of cultural dimensions is a supplement for supporting better inter-cultural communication, the bilateral respect of culture and positive attitude are the core to successful inter-cultural communication. Bibliography: Bond, M. H. (2002). â€Å"Reclaiming the Individual from Hofstede's Ecological Ana lysis- A 20-Year Odyssey: Comment on Oyserman et al. † Psychological Bulletin, 128 (1): 73-77 CBC news (Feb 2, 2010), â€Å"Toyota slow o react: LaHood- US Transportation Secretary criticizes automaker†. Available at (13 May, 2012) Clark, A. & McCurry, J. (2010). â€Å"Toyota boss offers ‘sincere regrets' for faulty accelerators†, The Guardian, Thursday 25 February 2010. Available at < http://www. guardian. co. uk/business/2010/feb/25/toyota-akio-toyoda-congress? INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487> (13 May, 2012) CNN Politics (Feb 24, 2010). â€Å"Toyota president testifies before Congress†. Available at < http://articles. cnn. com/2010-02-24/politics/toyota. earing. updates_1_toyoda-inaba-national-press-club? _s=PM:POLITICS > (13 May, 2012) Dahl, S. (2004). â€Å"Intercultural Research: The Current State of Knowledge†. Middlesex University Discussion Paper No. 26. Available at < http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=658202 > (13 May, 2012 ) Feng, Y. (2010). â€Å"Toyota crisis: management ignorance? – a swedish case of consumers perceptions†. Available at < http://hh. diva-portal. org/smash/record. jsf? pid=diva2:349746> (13 May, 2012) Freivalds, J. (1995). â€Å"Learning languages†. Communication World, December: 24-7.Frey-Ridgway, S. (1997). â€Å"The cultural dimension of international business†. Collection Building, 16(1): 12 – 23 Gudykunst, W. & Nishida, T. (1994), Bridging Japanese-North American Differences, Communicating Effectively in Multicultural Contexts Series, Thousand Oaks: Sage, p. 2 Hofstede’s website, available at < http://geert-hofstede. com/dimensions. html > (13 May, 2012) Hofstede, G. (1980) Culture’s Consequences:International Differences in Work-related Values Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and Organizations: software of the mind, 2nd Ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Hofstede, G. , Hofstede, G. J. & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures an d Organizations: software of the mind, 3rd Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Holden, N. (2002). Cross-cultural management: a knowledge management perspective. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall Huang, Z. (2010). â€Å" —— â€Å" â€Å" † (From the perspective of inter-cutlural communication to see Japan-America cultural differeces—analysis Toyota â€Å"recall†). Journal of Huaihua University,29 (6) Jandt, F. E. (2009). An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global